Exemplar Highlights – Devin Jones and Marc Lunde

Hey! It’s Fortunato with this week’s Exemplar Highlight! I get the incredible pleasure to talk about Devin Jones’ review for Marc Lunde!

Devin Jones

Devin Jones

Sadly, I could not get a hold of Devin, an L2 from Arizona, but from the little I was told about him from Marc, and from the review that Devin wrote, I can tell he’s a pretty rad guy!

Marc Lunde

Marc Lunde

Marc Lunde, on the other hand, I did get to talk to! He’s an L2 from Arizona, but originally from the Minnesota area! That’s a little over a fifteen hundred mile move! I don’t know much about either state, (Minnesota’s the one with the Grand Canyon–right?!) but I do imagine he moved to a really different place! But luckily the Arizona Magic Community accepted him with open arms! From what he’s said it seems like the regulars at the PPTQ level probably know him well since the state has a whole six L2’s and quite a lot of stores! Which probably explains the pretty great recognition he got from Devin!

“Every since moving to Arizona, Marc has stepped up and become an incredible asset in the Arizona Judge Community. He has willingly judged many PPTQs in areas that are a bit of a travel, giving some of the other judges (myself included) a much needed breather. He has been willing and eager to do whatever is needed to make sure events run smoothly and efficiently, whether that be as a Head Judge, or a Floor Judge, or a Scorekeeper, whatever the tournament needs. He is a wonderful addition to the community, and I am honored to have the chance to work with him.”

While, I didn’t get to talk to Devin I do get a chance to spotlight him just a bit in my closing statement. The review showed completely genuine appreciation of Marc, that is really easy to catch! From what I’ve been told, and from what even the review itself says, both Marc and Devin put in so much work and time, most of it sounding like travel time, to work these events. Some Judges are lucky to live in areas that have events not too far away from them, and I’m not at all insinuating those Judges work any less than those who travel long distances but just wanting to remind everyone to not forget about things that might be taken for granted–like travel time. It seems like a fitting theme for the first Exemplar Highlight of the month with Thanksgiving in it! Speaking of being thankful–thank you for reading!

Written by: Fortunato Acosta

Written by: Fortunato Acosta