Exemplar Highlights – Autumn Cook and Eliana Rabinowitz

Welcome back to another edition of Exemplar Highlights! Today our recognition comes from the prestigious USA – Midatlantic region’s brightest stars, Autumn Cook. She worked with our very own Eliana Rabinowitz at Grand Prix Pittsburgh in June of 2016.

Autumn Cook

Autumn Cook

Autumn was the AM Deck Checks lead for the Super Sunday Series Standard event at GP Pittsburgh. She noted that after the first few rounds, the event got a bit repetitive and monotonous. This is understandable, as the role of a deck checks team doesn’t exactly change much after the first few rounds. However, once Eliana arrived with the mid shift… Well, I’ll let Autumn tell you how that went!

“You knocked the deck checks of the Sunday Super Series at GP Pittsburgh out of the ball park. Your high energy revitalized AM-shifters and helped us get through the rest of the day. Your deck checks were speedy and accurate, and you provided insightful commentary to help the slower deck checkers get faster.”

Eliana Rabinowitz

Eliana Rabinowitz

Eliana has truly been a force of nature, working any and every event she can get her hands on! Even with this incredible workload, she still keeps up a high energy and positive attitude that is, as Autumn noticed, infectious. The end of an AM shift has a tendency to taper off in enthusiasm, so a judge capable of picking you up and helping you finish strong is a huge boon to your productivity.

I have heard it described that the role of a team lead is to make this event and the next event the best they can. This means that, in addition to making the current event shine, a team lead should help all of their team members find room for improvement for the next event they work as well. As Autumn pointed out, Eliana truly took this lesson to heart and helped her team improve their skills for the future.

Written by: Daniel Lee

Written by: Daniel Lee