Exemplar Highlights – Patrick Cossel and Joseph Sapp

Hey all! Christian here, risen from the underworld to bring you your next installment of Exemplar Highlights!! Today we are going to look at the Judge Program’s Uncle Scott Marshall’s Recognition of Joe Sapp… except this one is a little different! The recognition is not directly from our uncle himself, as it is from a judge in his region, one Patrick Cossel!

Patrick Cossel

Patrick Cossel

Patrick Cossel is an L1 from Wyoming who certified in November of 2013. He began playing during Onslaught and then took a break up until Dark Ascension. One of his bigger motivations is the community, seeing as Wyoming has fewer judges, he values meeting judges when he can and meeting newer players to begin their growth for enjoying Magic as much as Patrick does! His motivation for writing this rec speaks for itself: “I met Joe at GP Las Vegas 2015. I was immediately struck by his positivity. Especially since was his first GP as a judge (if memory serves). He shied away from nothing! He was eager to learn and just as eager to help any player that came up to him. He and I only worked together for a couple hours as I got pulled to another event, but it made a lasting impression. I knew, the first chance I had, I needed to make sure someone besides me knew about this. His actions and attitude were exactly what I thought of when I think about exemplary customer service. That one event has created a friendship between Joe and I that I suspect will last a long time.” That being said let’s look at his rec for Mr. Sapp!

“Uncle” Scott Marshall

“Uncle” Scott Marshall

“Joseph: Patrick Cossel, a judge in my region (the Northwest) nominated you for Exemplar recognition. In his words, “I watched Joseph both at GP Las Vegas and GP San Diego demonstrate amazing customer service to every player and staff member he came into contact with. Joseph always has a smile on his face, is eager to work hard for what ever team lead he is working with, and made sure that players he interacted with left with a positive experience.” That’s high praise indeed, and I just want to add my own Thank You to Patrick’s recognition of your Exemplary behavior!”

Joseph Sapp

Joseph Sapp

Our very own gentle giant hails from somewhere in the northern regions of California. Very enthusiastic about his customer service, he is also very big on Self Care. He has given a few presentations on the subject and, suffice to say, we could all do some good to taking care of ourselves at events.

This recognition is really great on multiple levels; it really is a fantastic example that people are always looking out to others’ actions when it comes to events. The other reason is that it came from someone who couldn’t directly give out a recognition, but still sought to give one out and did so by turning to his RC. Never forget that if you do notice anyone do something exemplary, don’t be afraid to reach out in order to give them one!

Written by: Christian Aguilar

Written by: Christian Aguilar