Welcome back to Exemplar Highlights. We’ve had a bit of a spotty run recently and I wanted to take the time to highlight an exemplar from Ralph Colby to Daniel Lee.
In addition to his regular work, Ralph Colby runs Magic events at a number of venues in the Bay Area as well as managing the Southwest Region Blog. During a lull in participation, Ralph noticed that Daniel quickly made up for lost time:
“I have the pleasure of working on the SouthWest blog. Unfortunately, lately myself and others on the team haven’t been able to devote as much time to it as we would like. Daniel noticed the lack of attention and without being asked, rose to the occasion. He is now in charge of our Exemplar Highlights. Writing some himself and coordinating others as well. With his help, our blog will continue to be the best area judge blog.”
In the Southwest, we know that judging means being a part of a community. In his local community, Daniel leads by example: writing articles when deadlines are missed or when team member’s priorities change. In the wider community, Daniel’s articles contribute to the positivity of the program. Since positivity is always in high demand, we thank Daniel for his work and Ralph for the recommendation.
Editor’s note: Thank you, Seren! I’m really happy to hear that people appreciate the work that all of us do on this project. Reminders like this help keep us all motivated and doing great work in the Judge Program!