News and notes: Exemplar deadline coming up and convention applications

Have a special judge you’d like whom you’d like to show your appreciation? Nomination deadline for the Winter 2018 wave is coming up in just six days.

Take some time to head over to JudgeApps and write a nomination highlighting all the good your judge colleagues or doing for community. They’ll appreciate it.

In other news …

  • Interested in helping run convention Magic events at two of Southern California’s biggest events? Cascade Games is accepting applications for San Diego Comic Con and Anime Expo this summer, with deadlines through mid-June. If you’re interested, the application for Comic Con can be found here, and Anime Expo’s application is here. For more information, contact Cascade judge manager Megan Hanson.
  • Find GP judging more to your liking? Applications for Grand Prix Dallas-Fort Worth are closing in three days. If you want to work the event, go here and submit your application today. For more information, reach out to judge manager Chris Richter.