Quick update: RC town hall this evening; Conferences, Exemplars and more

Got questions about Exemplar, conference, advancement and more?

Join regional coordinator Angela Chandler and other members of the region’s leadership for a town hall meeting on Facebook Live at 6 p.m. today. Click here to find out more and join in the conversation.

Can’t make it? Message regional coordinaor Angela Chandler with your questions and we’ll do our best to address them.

Baja Conference coming up

The cross-region conference in Baja California is coming up in May, and we are looking for judges looking to present and participate. If you are interested, click here.

If you need help getting to the Baja Conference, we can help out. There are travel sponsorships available. Click here to apply for help or to ask questions.

Also ….

Coming up is the Las Vegas mock tournament conference on April 14. Acceptances have gone out, but if you’re interested in participating can still join in the conference my reaching out to one of the organizers here.

Judges and players can also participate in the four-pack sealed event as a player for free! Just show up at the event and we’ll include you in the tournament as a player.

Exemplar Wave 12 posted

Want to feel all warm and fuzzy? The most recent Exemplar wave posted Thursday on JudgeApps. Go here to read about all the great things people are saying.