Exemplar Highlights – Angela Chandler and Victor Pinto

Victor Pinto

Victor Pinto

Hello again and welcome to our next Exemplar Highlight! This particular recognition comes from one of 2017’s largest events: Grand Prix Lax Vegas! Specifically, this recognizes the work of Victor Pinto in the time period after the event. I’ll let the Grand Prix Vegas Judge Conference organizer Angela Chandler explain:


After the conference held in Vegas, you helped put together a very effective feedback survey and managed to gather all the data we collected and put together a summary and a breakdown for each individual presenter. This is a very critical part of every conference and you volunteered your time and expertise to help make sure this got done for our conference and made it look really great. Thank you for your help with this project.”

Angela Chandler

Angela Chandler

Judge conferences require a ton of work just to plan and execute, and contributing to this effort is a great way to help your region and community. Victor went an additional step beyond and helped make the post-conference reflection process much more organized, detailed, and useful than previously possible. Angela’s recognition is very specific to this effort that is clearly above and beyond the call of an average judge. This is a well-written recognition for very deserving effort. Thanks again, Victor!

Written by: Daniel Lee

Written by: Daniel Lee