Policy Update for Theros Beyond Death

[cets_callout_box style=’yellow’ align=’right’ title=’The New Docs’]IPG | MTR

There’s not a lot of changes to worry about this time. No TBD jokes even, promise! So, we’ll jump straight to:

Quick Hits

* Last update, we clarified that the upgrade path for Tournament Errors only considered previously issued Warnings (as opposed to previously issued Game Losses). We moved the same language over to Game Play Errors to be consistent, though it’s extremely unlikely to be relevant here.

* If you took a mulligan and only drew six cards, put one on the bottom, then started the game that way, there wasn’t actually an infraction to handle it. We updated Mulligan Procedure Error to make it a Game Rule Violation, which means when it’s discovered, the player will draw a card.

* Deck problems ignore cards that are handed out as part of the tournament (think those sweet Magicfest Lightning Bolts) that are being stored in the deckbox. After all, where else are you going to put them? But a Magicfest today isn’t just a tournament, and you might still have them in your deckbox when you shift over to other tournaments in the event. That’s OK now.

* Speaking of leaving cards in your deckbox, there’s no other logical place to put a card that was damaged in the tournament and the judge has issued a proxy for. Those can also be ignored if they’re in the deckbox. Please remember that only a judge can issue a proxy card, and only for cards that were damaged during that tournament.

* We have a rule that says we don’t give out an infraction if the player has too few sideboard cards. We also have an upgrade path that says to upgrade if there are the wrong number of cards in the sideboard. Technically, if there’s no infraction you’ll never even reach the upgrade path, but that was confusing, so too few cards in the sideboard is explicitly removed from the upgrade path.


Thatnks to everyone who offered suggestions for improvement this go-around. In particular, shout-outs to Steven Zwanger, Andrew Villarubia, Isaac King, Bryan Prillaman, Joseph Steet and Tom Wood for their great ideas.

Expect a monster update with Ikoria! (OK, I can only hold off for so long on the bad jokes)

5 thoughts on “Policy Update for Theros Beyond Death

  1. * If you took a mulligan and only drew six cards, then started the game that way, there wasn’t actually an infraction to handle it. We updated Mulligan Procedure Error to make it a Game Rule Violation, which means when it’s discovered, the player will draw a card.

    This sounds confusing. If I took a mull and draw 6, do I draw 1 more and put one (at that point) on bottom?

    1. If you ended up short a card, you draw up to the correct number. If you ended up with the correct number, and time has passed, there’s no fix needed.

      Edit: I see what caused the confusion. I’ve updated the example to be clearer, thanks!

  2. If I’m reading MPE correctly now, if I mulligan to five but put three cards on the bottom instead of two, and we notice later, it’s a GRV and I draw a card?

    Versus if I mull to five and just draw five, and move on, no infraction?

    1. It’s a GRV, but putting too many cards on the bottom is not failing to draw a card. The most likely scenario there is that you just play on.

      1. I’m quite happy with that ruling. Otherwise, I think there’d be room for abuse. Sure, it feels bad if you accidentally bottom too many cards, but otherwise, it’s like getting a free rummage.

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