Hi, everyone. As I write this, I’m sitting in my home office and everything’s a bit strange judging-wise — event cancellations, a general down-tick in events, and a lot of our community bearing the brunt of the social distancing and isolation elements of the ongoing COVID-19 situation. I’m writing here to inform you about an […]
Judge Academy

Announcement links: Wizards of the Coast: HERE. Program Coordinators: HERE. Exemplar Program: HERE. Judge Academy (including FAQ): HERE. Hello, all! Depending on when you’re reading this, you might know a lot about Judge Academy, or you might know relatively little. Please see and read through the links above before progressing with this post — it […]
UKISA in April/May 2019
Quick introduction from : The UKISA leadership team has made an effort to communicate more regularly and do its best to share conversation topics and decisions with the wider region. We’ve been pretty bad at it in the past (sorry!) but I hope that some of the efforts we’re making are well-received, and tick the […]
UKISA’s Upcoming Competitive REL Events
Hi all! Some cool announcements are happening, and I just wanted to address a couple of concerns that tournament organisers, judges, and players had brought to my attention. This is the most recent announcement that’s happened: MODERN HORIZONS SCHEDULING Today new scheduling has opened in WER. In next couple of days we will be creating […]
Changes in the West!
Hi all! There have been some changes in the Area Captaincy of the West (which, for the record, is for judges in Bristol, Gloucestershire, Somerset, and Wiltshire). has served the area for a significant amount of time, and while stepping up his judging activity to the international stage, has found himself in the position where he […]
Hello, my name is Íñigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!

Hello, my name is Íñigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die! With this fantastic phrase from The Princess Bride, author William Goldman taught us a valuable lesson when it comes to offering our services as judges at an event: a good cover letter is as powerful as the mightiest sword.
MagicFest London, Prereleases, and Judges
Jack shares some thoughts on the upcoming 'prerelease MagicFest London', and its effects on stores, players, and judges.
“What are you looking at?!” – Body Language in Judging
Picture the scene: you’re judging at a prerelease, you get a call, and you have to tell someone an interaction doesn’t work how they want it to. No sweat. You’ve seen other judges do this tons of times and no-one seems to get upset by it. But somehow when you do it you find the […]
New South Africa Area Captain – Clint Lee!

Hi all! I’m very pleased to announce the new Area Captain for South Africa. We had a number of skilled applicants apply, and due to the nature of South Africa, I truly believe that they could all have done a wonderful job in the role. I asked for some information in the application announcement, and […]
UKISA Hoodies – Round 2 – 48 hours left!

Hi everyone! Just a quick notice to mention that there are now enough hoodie orders to close the order form. I’m going to give any stragglers a couple of days to get things sorted, and accept any order made on or before Friday 16th. After that date, payment information will be shipped out, and as soon […]