
Damián Hiller

Damián Hiller

Damián Hiller is the Conferences Sphere leader. This Sphere’s goal is to help the community by supporting conferences around the world. Through various initiatives and from different angles, this Sphere aims to achieve one goal: to have Judge Conferences be the best face-to-face education and community bonding experience possible.


[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Presenter Training Team’]This project provides tools and best practices on how to prepare and deliver presentations to improve the quality of our presenters and materials in general.
Project lead Theodoros Millidonis Links | Blog, JudgeApps project[/cets_callout_box][cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Conference Dates’]This project maintains a public calendar of worldwide official conferences to raise awareness on when and where a conference is happening.
Project lead | David Guteša Links | Blog[/cets_callout_box][cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Conferences Official Reports’]This project sets policy for the content of the reports submitted after each conference. It reviews, provides and stores feedback on each report provided after a conference for later use.
Project lead | Damián Hiller[/cets_callout_box][cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Conferences Processing’]This project coordinates the logistics behind conference support for each region. This includes acting as a liaison between Regional Coordinators and Wizards of the Coast, to help manage requests, track and followup on shipments to each official conference.
Project lead | Damián Hiller[/cets_callout_box][cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Conferences Blog’]This project manages the Conferences blog, schedules and edits content, and promotes it through various channels.
Project lead | Damián Hiller Links | Blog[/cets_callout_box]