In our last update, we announced some upcoming changes in the Status of the Judge Program Article. We would like to take the opportunity to expound on some of those changes as we all prepare to enter an exciting 2019. First, starting with Judge Conduct Committee cases opened in 2019, the Program Coordinators will be […]
Author: Johanna Virtanen
Status of the Program: November 2018
The October 2018 status report from the Judge Program Coordinators!
Statement on Pro Tour qualifying system changes
Wizards of the Coast has announced some major changes to Organized Play (or should we say E-Sports and Competitive Gaming?). These changes of course affect the Judge Program as well. The major change is that Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifiers are going away next year. As these events are what Level 2 is currently […]
Introducing the Fall 2018 Program Coordinator Class and the Grand Prix Head Judge Lead
The results of the Fall 2018 Program Coordinator selection and the Grand Prix Head Judge Lead selection!
Program Coordinator Q&A August 2018
Welcome to the Answers part of the first Program Coordinator Q&A session! You can find the original questions thread here: From : After the not so recent changes numbers have shown that, in pretty much in every region, less recognitions are submitted through the Exemplar Program. What are the future plans for Exemplar? Did you […]
Fall 2018 Program Coordinator candidates and applications
We received three applications for the open Program Coordinator position: The applicants were required to answer three questions: “1. Why should you be a Program Coordinator? Please list your past accomplishments related to the judge program that you believe have prepared you for this role.” “2. What would you expect to accomplish in the role? […]
Status of the Judge Program: Spring 2018

Hello judges! It is time for another update about what has happened in the Judge Program over the past few months, and what the Program Coordinators are working on. Richmond Leadership Conference In early June, the Regional Coordinators, Program Coordinators, and a few Sphere leaders gathered in Richmond to discuss program policy, strategy and various […]
Announcing the Grand Prix Head Judge Summer 2018 class

Grand Prix Head Judge Lead Kevin Desprez announces the Summer 2018 Grand Prix Head Judge class!
Fall 2018 Program Coordinator Application open
We are now taking applications for another Program Coordinator slot, with an 18 month term starting on October 1st, 2018. We are also looking for Level 3 judges who want to join the selection committee. The description of the Program Coordinator role is available here. The role requires significant time investment on a weekly and sometimes […]