Hello everyone!
Exemplar nominations Wave 5 are in, and while Wave 6 is underway we have some information for you to look at. As you are well aware, we try to publish notable exemplar nominations for Europe-East judges here on the blog. We do this for two reasons: so you can get an idea of what is considered exemplar behavior, on the one hand; and so that we pay a little bit more attention to our most recognized judges and make them feel extra special and loved.
The purpose of this post, however, is to bring some interesting statistics to your attention. This quantitative data is not only representative of how well we are doing as a region, but may also direct us to areas of improvement in the future. And, you know, improvement and motivation is what Exemplar is all about!
The number of judges receiving recognition in Wave 5 has almost not changed compared to Wave 4 – again we have 3 L3s and 22 L2s being nominated, and we have one more L1 getting recognized – 25 compared to 24 in the last wave. This slight increase is good, considering that we had fewer judges total in the region than in Wave 4 – only 146, compared to 150. Of those, there were 112 L1s, 31 L2s and 3 L3s.
There was a marked increase in the number of nominations for L1s in the region – more than 1/3 of the nominations we received this wave went to L1s, compared to less than 1/4 in Wave 4. This is the chart for nomination received per level.
Our judges received a total of 107 nominations in this wave, of which 44 (or 41%) were from “outside” judges – not within our region. It is worth noting that there is a significant increase in out-of-region nominations – only about 31% of the Wave 4 nominations came from judges outside of the region – we are making more of a difference on an international level! This is also reflected in the nominations we have sent out – more than 30% of our nominations in this wave are to people outside of our region, compared to only about 20% in the last wave.
Our final statistic for this wave shows how we could have done: there were 92 approved nominations from judges in our region in this wave, which is slightly less than 1/3 of the ones we had available. Should our L2+ judges aim to “fill” that chart better?
As a conclusion
Worldwide, there was a slight decrease in the number of approved Exemplar recognitions, and it is perhaps normal that this was also reflected in our region. Still, our exemplar performance as judges is something we can all work on. When you read the exemplar nominations (both on the Europe-East blog and on the Judge Apps site), do you see a direction of action you would choose for yourself? What can you do as a judge that would showcase your unique skills and attitude and make others recognize you? Please comment!