In wave 11 we continue featuring some highlights of the Exemplar nominations received by judges in our region.
Stay tuned to this blog or to the Europe-East Magic Judges Facebook group to read more features, today we present…
Nikola Vulovic
Nikola is born in Kraljevo where he started to play Magic back in 2012. He become a LVL 1 judge in 2016. His motive to become a judge was to help his Magic and judge community in Kraljevo and Belgrade. He judges a lot of competitive tournaments in Serbia and his goal is to become LVL 2 this year. Nikola regularly plays commander and he is also very proud of his Legacy Cube, which he is collecting and editing for years.
Nikola received 3 nominations in Wave 11, let’s have a look at them.
Milorad Pavlovic had this to say about Nikola:
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=”]
Vule, We have judged a couple of tournaments yet, and I’m watching you thrive as a judge. You are going in the right direction, and whether your ambitions are going towards level two or not, it will happen naturally to you. You have done great job with the deck checks on our National. We performed a lot of them and every single one was in time. That helped, also, for the whole Nationals to run in reasonable time. I’m sure, now, that every tournament with you on the floor would be run smooth and professional. Keep on going!
Matija Vlahovic had this to say about Nikola:
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=”]
Pohvale za pokazanu inicijativu i odlicno vodjenje drafta na WMCQu prosli mjesec. Obzirom da je sam draft vec u startu malo kasnio, cijeli turnir bi definitivno duze drajao da se nisi ponudio pomoci sa prozivanjem vremena za pikove na stolovima koji nisu bili u stanju cuti HJa.
and in case you can’t understand here is the translation
Commendations for shown initiative and excellent handling of the draft on WMCQ last month. Considering that the draft was running a bit late, the whole tournament would have went far over schedule had you not offered to help by calling time for picks on the tables that were unable to hear the HJ.
Milos Perovic had this to say about Nikola:
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=”]
Nikola, You have recently judged our National Championship. I know that you have judged couple PPTQs before and that this was more or less first major event for you. You have performed great and what impressed me the most was the calmness with which you handled multiple questions from players throughout the day. You have shown great professionalism and good approach to handling issues as well as regular tasks, so with that in mind I would like to give you this recognition. Have a good one!
Serbia has a new rising star in the judge community, congratulations for your hard work!