In wave 12 we continue featuring some highlights of the Exemplar nominations received by judges in our region.
Stay tuned to this blog or to the Europe-East Magic Judges Facebook group to read more features, today we present…
Giorgos Trichopoulos
Giorgos Trichopoulos Judge (Level 3),
Giorgos Trichopoulos was the Regional Coordinator for the Europe-East region from 2013 until October 2017. He lost his RC title for few months before it was again returned to him and once again his supreme ruling was established in our region. He started playing Magic in 2000, but he realized that playing Magic was easy and not challenging, so he quickly started exploring other options, like judging. He became an L1 judge in 2005 and with hard work, lots of traveling and judging through the years he managed to rise in rank and become RC for Europe – East. Outside magic, Giorgos is working in the banking industry which finances all his travels, directly or otherwise. In his free time he is declaring to be a failed actor, singer, football and basketball player, though he continues practicing all of those.
Giorgos received 4 nominations in Wave 12, let’s have a look at them.
Milorad Pavlovic had this to say about Giorgos:
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Giorgos! Thank you for being such awesome RC and an example of Leader. You have set high standard in authority and charisma, which you show through having absolute attention and control over large group of people on conferences and as a Team Leader. Thank you also for numerous feedback, advice and support when it comes to organizing conference. Or writing checklist. Or reminders. Specially the reminders It is pleasure to work with you and I hope to continue it on multiple levels. No pun intended
Kind Regards
Sashi Kumar Balakrishnan had this to say about Giorgos:
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This exemplar is for everytime you get on the twitter team at a GP, you never cease to amaze me. You have handled the account on your own in certain GPs and your enthusiasm and effort that you put in to make sure that quality tweets come out from the Magic Judges at GPs is definitely something I appreciate and admire. Keep up the great work!!
Vinicius Quaiato had this to say about Giorgos:
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During GP London you have showed an incredible and yet natural way to build a team. We were “team breaks”, usually a complicated team to be built, but you did it with a smile, and more importantly: you put a smile upon our face during the whole day. Your charisma and good vibrations during the team building were exemplar to your peers!
Theodoros Millidonis had this to say about Giorgos:
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Giorgos, you were a tremendous help to me on my journey to becoming L2! There were times when I needed pushing, reminding, refocusing and had to combine studying with all the other commitments I had in my personal and professional life. You provided that extra bit of energy I needed every time, you were there every step of the way and your feedback was always invaluable, thank you!
Congratulations Giorgos for your amazing work in developing our region and beyond!