Exemplar Wave 14 Features – Xenofon Spanoudis

XPOK In wave 14 we continue featuring some highlights of the Exemplar nominations received by judges in our region.

Stay tuned to this blog or to the Europe-East Magic Judges Facebook group to read more features, today we present…

Xenofon Spanoudis

 Xenofon Spanoudis L1, Greece

Xenofon Spanoudis L1, Greece

It all started back in 1999 when some Magic the Gathering cards fell into his hands, but he got into the “magic” world some months later when he received his first deck as a gift: the “Dismissal” theme deck from Invasion. Of course, his favorite colors are Blue and Black. The first years he played casual with some friends and attended prereleases. Starting in 2005, he had a long, 6-year break from Magic. In 2011, with his return, he decided to play more competitive, travelling around to play in tournaments and trying to be a better player, but always trying to have fun during the games. In 2017, he decided to join the other side of Magic the Gathering: the judges’ side.
Since November 2017, he has been posting monthly articles in Greece’s Judges Blog about “riddles” with Magic the Gathering cards.
He lives in his hometown, Kozani. He is judging in the tournaments that are taking place in the area around. He is always trying to help the new players to learn the game, and trying to offer his services to the whole community as best as he can.

Xenofon received 3 nominations in Wave 14, let’s have a look at them.

Giorgos Trichopoulos had this to say about Xenofon:
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Xenofon, we rarely expect L1s to lead projects, event local ones. You proved us wrong when you proposed an new blog post series about magic riddles that will target both judges and players. Your article corner is an instant success, attracting a lot of views, making it a great tool to showcase the friendliness of the greek judges. Again thank you for proposing and leading this project, going far a beyond of your level.


Vasilis Papoutsakis  had this to say about Xenofon:

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Hello Xenofon! As you can probably tell by my answers there, I really enjoy your puzzles you are making for the Greek Judge Blog with Konstantinos. I believe that puzzles like these are helpful for players and aspiring judges to understand the rules better. Please continue making them.


Alexander Papageorgiou  had this to say about Xenofon:

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Month in and month out you continue to pour time and energy into the M:TG riddle series going on in our country blog. I have heard very positive words, both about your work in the articles, as well as your work with the local community. I am proud to be your colleague. Stay awesome!


Keep up the amazing community work, Xenofon! 🙂