Highlights from Exemplar Wave 11 – Europe North

We have a lot of awesome judges in the Europe-North region. We searched through Wave 11 of the Exemplar-program and found some recognitions that we want to highlight.

To: Patricia Garlöv

To: Patricia Garlöv

From:Jacob Malmström

From:Jacob Malmström

During nationals you told me that this was your first event in a long while, none of that showed during the event. I was impressed with your calm and ability to just see what needed to be done and handle it, while also making sure that you took care of yorself.

Once a judge, always a judge – or so it seems in Patricia’s case. Great job in Nationals Patricia, one which I believe was of the more stressful events in 2017!

To: Arttu Kaipiainen

To: Arttu Kaipiainen

 From: Antti Koivisto

From: Antti Koivisto

Thank you, Arttu, once again for saving the day at Finnish nationals when the tournament software was not cooperating. You are the one judge everyone in Finland would turn to in a software emergency situation during a tournament, and you’ve been of a lot of help to our community outside tournaments, too, through creating pairings systems, maintaining the forums and many other accomplishments.

Doing the extra effort to make everyone’s job easier is great, and from the recognition above it is clear that Arttu not only saved the Finnish Nationals, but also is of great assistance in daily routines in the Finnish judge-program. Keep it up Arttu!

To: Anders Metnik

To: Anders Metnik

From: Lasse B. Jensen

From: Lasse B. Jensen

You did an exemplary job at the PPTQ in Faraos. Our rounds were stressful and busy, and you never dropped the ball. You even prevented some problems from ever happening, keep up the good work. (You found a work around for the printer issues, you reminded me when I missed starting a round, all very professional at this Very busy event)

From the recognition above it seems that Anders overperformed in his role as a floor judge, and relieved Lasse in a very busy event. Great to see you stepping up Anders, high-five!

Thank you for joining us in learning from some of the exemplary actions of judges in our region! Exemplar Wave #12 is open and closes february 12th (that is only 2½ week!). If you have any recognitions to give, enter them when the situation arises. If you know of any exemplary actions but can’t give recognitions yourself, please contact our Regional Coordinator!

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