The Level 3 Advancement Process underwent significant changes in 2011. These changes were intended to meet the challenge of maintaining a strong global standard for Level 3, while creating processes which were more concrete, transparent and objective, in order to increase trust that the path to Level 3 is based on merit and not on who you know or who likes you.
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Verification Committee’]All level 3 applications go through the Verification Committee. It ensures that Level 3 applicants meet our standards and that they get an answer soon after they submit their applications. When an application is approved, it gets passed along to the Pre-Interviewers group.
Project lead | Sophie Pagès.
Members | Stephan Classen, Richard Drijvers
, John Eriksson
, François Grossi
, Nate Hurley
, Bryan Prillaman
, Carlos Rangon
, Josh Stansfield
, John Temple
, Jason Wong
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Pre-Event Interviewers’]After an application is approved by the Verification Committee, a Level 3 judge from this group handles that candidate’s Pre-Event Interview. Most interviews also have a shadow interviewer in order to promote idea exchange and let new members learn. The Pre-Event Interview lead’s task is to ensure that the process goes smoothly and relatively quickly, so that a candidate can be scheduled for a panel interview.
Project lead | Elise Bouaziz.
Members | Many, many L3s.[/cets_callout_box]
The Road to Level 3 – Up-to-date information about the Level 3 promotion process
Level 3 Musings – Information Level 3s need to know about the Level 3 promotion process (L3 only, password required)
The Level 3 Qualities – The Qualities explained by 12 expert Level 3s
The Road to Level 3 – Adam Cetnerowski summarizes the steps that a Level 2 working towards Level 3 should take.
The Pre-Event Interview – Jurgen Baert talks about the newest part of the Level 3 advancement process.