Traditions and Transitions

Howdy! It’s that time of year again when the weather gets cooler, the leaves change color, and pumpkin spice is suddenly everywhere. Ok, I know it’s not actually getting any cooler yet, but it is time to announce the USA-South Fall 2019 Regional Conference. This year we’ll be hosted by the Wingate Hotel at the […]

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More Conferences!

Howdy folks! As you are likely aware, last weekend marked our USA-South Spring 2019 Judge Conference. A huge thank you to the staff, presenters, and attendees for making that event so much fun. We learned a lot about building a personal brand, and more details from the keynote presentation will be appearing on this blog […]

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Announcing Some Announcements!

In early December the USA-South Leadership Conference took place at the home of our Sheriff, David Hibbs. While we munched on delicious brisket and homemade cobbler, we discussed the state of the region and made some plans for moving forward. This is where YOU come in! We are excited to announce some old projects, some […]

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