First, if you’re wondering why the penalty for Improperly Determining a winner (IDaW) and Bribery is a Disqualification, you should read this article first. Done? Good, you can proceed reading! Unlike Cheating, knowledge of the rule is not required to identify IDaW and Bribery. This means that sometimes, a player who did not know […]
PT Fate Reforged Head Judge Report
Welcome to PT Watching Magic! Making judges watch Magic consistently was my personal goal for the week-end. It already was in Nice but I didn’t succeed at sharing my vision nearly as much as I’d have like. To make this happen, I essentially re-emphasized the shadowing system. By having two judges involved in the […]
GP San Jose Appeals Judge Report
Friday: Scheduled Events Manager A quick introduction to the position Managing positions are usually sought after. They’re way trickier as most judges feel they are. It’d be easy to think that the job is simply about making sure all tournaments start on time, but that is only the pre-requisite. As a TO, I […]
GP Shizuoka HJ Report
Rulings of note Underpaying a spell AP controls 7 lands. He casts a morph, then a Sultai Scavenger, tapping 2 Swamps and exiling 3 cards only (while the spell costs 5B). As he passes the turn with two lands untapped, allowing him to activate Dazzling Ramparts, the opponent involves us. After […]