Because a huge majority of Magic tournaments offer prizes to earn in addition to glory and because it can happen that a match result is detrimental to both players, two players can be tempted to agree on a specific match result so that at least one of them ends up in a more favorable position […]
Dialogues of the non-deaf
Attending that (awesome) (in many different ways) PT Dublin made me remember that this has been the first week-end in a while where I’ve often struggled to understand what my interlocutors were telling me, the Irish accent being fairly strong for a non-native speaker. Nicholas Sabin’s excellent article on Communication Skills touches many great points […]
Tournament Procedures — Sorting decklists efficiently
A Deck Checks Team aims at performing Deck Checks. Many of them! All day long! From the very first round to the very last! Did I say “the very first”? Indeed I did! I hear more and more players saying they could easily bring an Intro Pack for the first 2 rounds of any […]
Tournament Procedures — Lowering priority on Decklists counting
Some of you have certainly noticed that we have been experimenting other ways to handle decklist counting and deck checks at 2013 Grand Prix. The emerged part of the iceberg is that we are not trying anymore to count all decklists by the end of round 1 and focus on decklist sorting, deck checking and […]