Changes to Conference Support

Damian Hiller L3, Argentina

Damian Hiller L3, Argentina

Hello everyone!

If you’ve recently been to a conference, you might’ve noticed that the support packs were rather old. It’s not that we don’t like our cards for commander or that the cards on themselves were not good, but after receiving them for so long, they definetely started to lose their appeal.

Currently, Exemplar and Judge Conferences are the two programs which handle most of the foil cards in the judge program; therefore we decided to tackle on the issue with an integral solution and, working together with WotC and Bryan Prillaman (as lead of Exemplar) we came up a plan for card rotation which we hope will keep the fire alive for a long time.

With the new initiative, the new conference packs for attendants will be 4 cards which will for the most part, consisting (mostly) of the cards which were granted by Exemplar 2 waves ago. This brings some excellent benefits:

  • You get another chance to receive cards from past Exemplar waves which you may not have gotten or want to get more!
  • Conference cards will be regularly rotated as each wave of exemplar kicks in (around every 3 months), a new pack will be in circulation for conferences!

Starting immediately (the first Conferences with this new system are Great Lakes Regional Conference, Hsinchu, Orlando and Rome) we’ll be seeing the new cards which will be with for the next couple of months!

Now, you may be asking yourselves, which cards are those? And we do wanna share (actually, we hope to be able to let you know when each pack rotates what’s coming in next). Here’s what you’ll find:

We have also reviewed how we thank our presenters and conference organizers for their efforts and have updated those cards as well. Though they will have a longer rotation time (and not change with every wave) we’ll also be keeping an eye and updating this regularly.

Here’s the new card for presenters:


And for our organizers:



Thank you all for attending, presenting and/or organizing our conferences and let’s keep sharing our knowledge!