(Episode written by Charles-Henri Turpin)
Hey there !
To brilliantly close our cycle about self care and improvement, here is an awesome piece from Derek J. Barbee called “Owning your mistakes”.
This article is not only a guide on how to get back on your feet after making a mistake, it also helps dealing with the fears every judge has on an event and the guilt that come with them.
With wise words and some tales of his personal experience, Derek go through all those awkward situations that can lead you to have a wrong judge behaviour, because you fear something, one way or another. He then explains how you can fight those fears with some concrete actions.
*Every* judge should have a look at this. It contains so much truth and so many “YES! THIS!” moments that it is hard to not relate and learn. It surely brought me a lot and I will definitely advertise it to my padawans and freshly certified judges.
I hope you will enjoy your reading as much as I did and the team and I will see you next month for another Ancestral recall cycle!