L2 recommendations are an integral part of identifying promising L2 candidates. L3 Joshua Feingold shares insight on how to maximize the impact of L2 recommendations.
From the Judges, to the People
L2 recommendations are an integral part of identifying promising L2 candidates. L3 Joshua Feingold shares insight on how to maximize the impact of L2 recommendations.
Joshua Feingold (L3) explique comment rentabiliser au maximum l’entretien qui suit le test d’un candidat au Niveau 1.
L3 Joshua Feingold discusses how to maximize the yield of the interview following an L1 candidate's exam.
El Juez de Nivel 3 Joshua Feingold comenta cómo mejorar el uso de la entrevista después del examen de candidato a L1.
Joshua Feingold (L2) explique comme construire un report de tournoi et l'améliorer afin que les autres arbitres en tirent des leçons.
El juez de nivel 2 Joshua Feingold nos habla sobre como desarrollar y mejorar los Informes de torneo como una oportunidad de aprendizaje para otros.
L2 Joshua Feingold discusses how to develop and improve Tournament Reports as an educational opportunity for others.
L2 Joshua Feingold discute como desenvolver e melhorar Relatos de Torneios para serem uma oportunidade de aprendizado para os outros.
Joshua Feingold & Patrick Cool give valuable advice on how to overcome reviewer's block.