Exemplar Wave 2 recognitions

Here are my five Exemplar Wave 2 recognitions. THANK YOU!

Patrick Vorbroker

Patrick Vorbroker

Your work leading The Knowledge Pool has been really inspiring . You effectively lead your team, and you’ve had them delivery high quality content on schedule, you’ve also been able to manage the project staffing in a polite, yet firm way. I think it’s been exemplary of you when you’ve prioritized being sensible and showing empathy for others over fast results. Thank you!

David Larrea
L2, Spain

David Larrea
L2, Spain

Efficiency is the word that comes to mind when I think of you. Your work translating to Spanish the Knowledge Pool scenarios? Always timely and precise. Your contributions to the staff pictures project? Very few respond and offer themselves as promptly as you do. I particularly enjoyed the pics from GP Seville, good work there! It is always enlightening to see individuals in the Judge Program willing to contribute with their efforts outside events, and I’ve always found you to be always a safe bet when I’ve needed a helping hand. Thank you!

Jorge Requesens
L3, Spain

Jorge Requesens
L3, Spain

You proved to be instrumental in the translation of the Official Resources site into Spanish. Your efforts assembling and leading the translation to Spanish team were way above any expectations I could have had. It was great to see you stepping up and making stuff happen for the project in a record time, delivering high quality results while empowering a lot of other judges, having them participate following the defined workflows and procedures. This efficiency and leadership is exemplary to me. Thank you!

Kim Warren
L4, UK

Kim Warren
L4, UK

Your compassion and empathy for others is what truly makes you exceptional to me. Only a few people reached out to me during difficult, dark times, and you were not only the first, but also the one that stated the most clearly that, and I’ll quote, “we’re not abandoning you”. I am very grateful for this, and I consider that you, among all people, being able to care for me in such a way is an exemplary behaviour. Thank you so much.

James Bennett

James Bennett

To me you’re one of the unsung heroes in the Magic Judge Program. Your work behind the scenes on JudgeApps and in many other tech-based projects is just extraordinarily out of the norm and beyond any expectation. Your generosity hosting the Judge Wiki server all these years and taking care of many thankless maintenance tasks is truly exceptional, and is something that deserved to be thanked for. Thank you!

See my Facebook post thanking these fantastic judges!