Exemplar Wave 3 Features – David de la Iglesia

Hello everyone!


Starting with Wave 3 we will be featuring some highlights of the Exemplar nominations received by judges in our region.

Stay tuned to this blog or to the Europe-East Magic Judges Facebook group to read more features, today we present…

David de la Iglesia

David de la Iglesia
L3, Spain (c.r.i. Qatar)

David de la Iglesia
L3, Spain (c.r.i. Qatar)

David de la Iglesia (aka DLI) is the Country Coordinator for Qatar, UAE and Kuwait. He is a L3 judge from Madrid (Spain) currently residing in sunny and way – hotter – than – what – you – can – imagine Doha, in Qatar. DLI became L1 at Spanish Nationals in Ciudad Real in August 2008. Shortly after he certified for L2 on April 2009. After much traveling and judging all around the world he was promoted to L3 at Grand Prix Providence on May 2011. DLI’s Real Life™ job is in the broadcasting industry, since December 2014 he works in Al Jazeera’s HQ in Doha as Senior Vision Mixer.

David received 7 nominations on Wave 3, let’s have a look at them.

Abdulrahman Alhadhrami had this to say about David:
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“David, no amount of recognition can show how much good work you’re doing in the Middle East region, from within your own community in Qatar, to being there online for the UAE community, and to the whole Judge program in general. You are also one of the key people that I owe my personal growth in the program. You are a surely a role model for other judges to follow.”[/cets_callout_box] Antonio Jose Rodriguez Jimenez had this to say about David:
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“David, during these months in which we have been working together trying (and achieving) to set up the Travel Guides blog I’ve seen something that deserves to be remarked: your love for doing things in the best way possible. I have been discussing different approximations for creating the blog and all your suggestions were always focused in “do it with high quality”. I learnt that things may be done in any way, but if things are done in a good way, people will find them more friendly, useful and nice. Attitude and appearance matters. Good things are good, but if you can do it better… I’ve seen that this philosophy is what you have been following in other projects in the judge program, and I like it. Thanks for your example.”[/cets_callout_box] Christopher Richter had this to say about David:
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“You may have moved a bit further away making it harder to be at events, but you have made sure that your impact on the judge program as a whole is as high as ever. In particular thanks for the motivation and help with regards to announcing new L3s. It’s an area that I didn’t even realize that I needed help with, but now that I have it, I’m not sure what I did without it. Thanks again for that and your professionalism and fun way that you make every interaction with you.”[/cets_callout_box] David Hibbs had this to say about David:
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“DLI, I am consistently amazed at the way new judges appear around you. I’ve been rather gleefully watching as you add photos from Qatar with lots of new judges. Seeing this community evolve from a draft group to an area with multiple judges is simply amazing to me. “[/cets_callout_box] Giorgos Trichopoulos had this to say about David:
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“You created the judge version of 1024 and then proceed to create another version for our region, which was really – really successful.

What is more, despite the fact that your new job took you in new territories, you didn’t sweat at all, rather you start getting familiar with the local judges in all middle east region. I also liked that you were contacting me offering me ideas that could maximize your judges experience. Middle East seems to have a promising future, regarding player base. I am pretty sure that under your guidance the region will flourish.”[/cets_callout_box] Jason Lemahieu had this to say about David:
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You continue to be an inspiration to judges of all levels. You work tirelessly to improve the program and help spark passion in others. I know that an email from you means I’ve got something to do, but I don’t mind one bit because I know I’m going to be helping you do something great.

– Lems”[/cets_callout_box] Riccardo Tessitori had this to say about David:
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the care for the others that you have been showing for years is next to unbeatable.
You are unsubstitutable.


Congratulations David, this is simply amazing!