Last but not least, we present some of the L1s who received exemplar nominations in wave 5. We encourage all L1s to continue their good work and get those nominations.
Stay tuned to this blog or to the Europe-East Magic Judges Facebook group to read more features, today we present…
Boris Vukovic
Boris received 4 nominations in Wave 5, let’s have a look at some of them.
David De La Iglesia, L3 had this to say about Boris:
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Thanks Boris for publishing your article on the “SOI mechanics for players” in Serbian. Player outreach initiatives like this help community building and are a great way to help players get a better understanding of game rules, making for a better experience. I appreciate very much your efforts. Thank you![/cets_callout_box]
Matija Vlahovic, L2 had this to say about Boris:
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You offering to be the host for South-Slavic Conference 2016 is worthy of recognition on its own, but you deserve it even more for all the times you helped all the judges and players who needed your assistance when traveling through or staying in Novi Sad. [/cets_callout_box]
Milorad Pavlovic, L2 had this to say about Boris:
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Borčice! Even you were just a floor judge on PPTQ Honolulu, your devotion was beyond expected, and I would like to thank you for your efforts in keeping all areas clean and tidy as well as for organizing lunch for everybody. We need more people like you and I really hope that you will continue to do a good job! [/cets_callout_box]
Stjepko Petrušić
Stjepko received 3 nominations in Wave 5, let’s have a look at all of them.
Valentin Lapaine, L2 had this to say about Stjepko:
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Stjepko, your conference presentation about new players was excellent! The judges in the audience carefully listened to your interesting ideas about an important but complex topic and participated in the discussion that followed the presentation, which provided all of us with some food for thought. [/cets_callout_box]
Ivan Petkovic, L3 had this to say about Stjepko:
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Stjepko you did an awesome job at your first conference: you took an unusual but interesting subject (growing casual player base and developing them towards tournaments). You presentation was interesting with lots of examples and people were engaged. Keep up a good work both with presenting and casual players. [/cets_callout_box]
Stjepan Sucic, L2 had this to say about Stjepko:
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Thank you for judging as a floor judge at the PPTQ I was head judging, you certainly took the bigger share of the load wherever you could, resolving all situations perfectly as well as swiftly. You are an example for all aspiring judges. [/cets_callout_box]
Nick Fellahides
Nick received 2 nominations in Wave 5, let’s have a look at them.
Giorgos Trichopoulos, L3 had this to say about Nick:
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They say that once a L2, always a L2 and you seem to be a good example. The way you steer our facebook heated conversation was commendable. You tried to lower the tone and you were seeking to speak about the essence of the topic rather than goship. I also want to thank for offering the idea for a public post, this is something very important, because we need to be transparent to players. Exchanging views behind closed doors is a first step, but we need to communicate those views as well. Please continue using your connection between players and judges to make us better [/cets_callout_box]
Giorgos Magganiotis, L2 had this to say about Nick:
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Nick you waited to be demoted from level 2 until you believe i would be ready. You helped me a lot by informing me on what’s going on in the community and who i should keep my eye on. When i needed help in how to handle some situations you were there to help me. You still act as a mentor to me when i need you and i want to thank you for that. [/cets_callout_box]
Andrei Baku
Andrei received 1 nominations in Wave 5, let’s have a look at it.
Adrian Teodorescu, L2 had this to say about Andrei:
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You are the best community leader i have ever encountered. Your communication, organisation and soft skills are extremely well developed and you put them at good use. Finding ways to gather the community around a specific event or shop is amazing. Thanks for doing this amazing job. [/cets_callout_box]
Uri Hershkovitz
Uri received 1 nominations in Wave 5, let’s have a look at it.
Yuval Tzur, 2 had this to say about Andrei:
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Uri, your idea for the survey for players and staff about the SOI prerelease season shows that you care about the Israeli MTG community and you go out of your way to make everybody enjoy the game even more. Keep at it! [/cets_callout_box]
Amir Hassan
Amir received 1 nominations in Wave 5, let’s have a look at it.
Masaru Koide, L2 had this to say about Amir:
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Thank you for your work hardly at events in Battlezone, I’m impressed by your self improvement mind. You asked me your question about MTR in your free time as player in competitive event. You watch other judge judging even you are player and try to improve your judging. I think that mind and attitude will be good example for other judges. [/cets_callout_box]
Congratulation to all L1s who received exemplar nominations in wave 5, keep the good work and get those nominations!!!