In this wave 6, we will continue to feature some highlights of the Exemplar nominations received by judges in our region.
Stay tuned to this blog or to the Europe-East Magic Judges Facebook group to read more features, today we present…
Milos Perovic
Milos is one of the newest lvl 2 judges, but his positive energy and his presentations on judge seminars didn’t pass unnoticed by the other judges. His great presentations skills earn him a lot of recognition from the judge community. We all wait for his next presentation.
Milos received 4 nominations in Wave 6, let’s have a look at all of them.
Rami Abdo, L2 had this to say about Milos:
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=”]
Thank you Milos for a very enlightening presentation on Modern Rules interactions in the 2016 summer conference. I learn a lot of new things from it which will certainly come in useful for the upcoming Modern format WMCQs. You were very calm and collected during your seminar and your research was comprehensive. keep it up! [/cets_callout_box]
Dominika Knapova, L2 had this to say about Milos:
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I take this opportunity to give you short feedback to your seminar at Eastern European Conference 2016 in Struga – Rules interaction in Modern. It was one of the most educative seminar that I’ve ever attended. Most of the presenters should take an example by you. Thank you for this such a good job! [/cets_callout_box]
Ivan Petkovic, L3 had this to say about Milos:
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This was a second time I saw your presentation. One thing is different from others – it is so engaging and educational. What made me write this nomination was our brief discussion about which rules related topics judges in your region have the most difficulty with. In all my years of judging, I have seen only a couple of examples of such proactive way of educating others. Keep up a good work, and I am looking forward participating at your next educational presentation or workshop. [/cets_callout_box]
David Guteša, L2 had this to say about Milos:
[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=”]
Peroviću, tvoji seminari i dalje skupljaju sve pohvale sa svake konferencije na kojoj predaješ, ali ovo nije glavni razlog za ovo priznanje. Tvoje ideje i trud oko stvaranja sudijske zajednice u Beogradu nisu neprimećeni. Tako da želim da ti se ovim putem zahvalim!
Only for those who don’t understand Serbian here is the translation
Your seminars still receive a lot of compliments on every conference you present, but this is not the only reason for this recognition. Your ideas and effort in creating judge community in Belgrade are not unnoticed. In this way I want to thank you for everything you did. [/cets_callout_box]
Congratulation Milos for you amazing work!