Last but not least, we present some of the L1s who received exemplar nominations in wave 6. We encourage all L1s to continue their good work and get those nominations.
Stay tuned to this blog or to the Europe-East Magic Judges Facebook group to read more features, today we present…
Lily Chen
Lily received 1 nominations in Wave 6, let’s have a look at it.
Uri Hershkovitz, L1 (with help of our beloved RC Giorgos) had this to say about Lily:
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Lily, you were a great role model during the modern WMCQ. Thank you for working closely with me on Deck Checks, teaching me new techniques and giving advice to less experienced judges. It was a pleasure working with you [/cets_callout_box]
Albert Jove Franco
Albert received 3 nominations in Wave 6, let’s have a look at some of them.
David De La Iglesia, L3 had this to say about Albert:
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Gracias Albert por el feedback que regularmente compartes conmigo sobre los demás jueces en UAE. Desde que te has trasladado a Dubai has mostrado mucho interés no sólo por mejorar tú mismo, sino por ayudar en todo lo posible a que los demás mejoren. Mención especial merece nuestra conversación sobre los GPTs en eliminatoria simple, que es un problema que si no fuese por ti habría seguido siendo algo que nadie habría hecho esfuerzos por solucionar. En este caso en particular me gustó mucho que no te limitases a apuntar el dedo al problema, ya que además intentaste proporcionar tu ayuda para solucionarlo. Muchas gracias!
Thank you Albert for the feedback you regularly share with me about the other judges in UAE. Since you’ve moved to Dubai you’ve shown a lot of interest not only in improving yourself, but in helping others to improve as much as possible. Special mention to our conversation about single elimination GPTs, which is a problem that if it were not for you would have remained something that nobody would have been able to make efforts to solve. In this particular case I really liked that you did not just point a finger to the problem, as you also tried to provide your help to solve it. Thank you very much! [/cets_callout_box]
Giorgos Trichopoulos, L3 had this to say about Albert:
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Albert judging is not only giving rulings inside tournaments, it is also about the community, about building bonds that will make working with those individual easier. During my trip to Dubai, you stood out for your welcoming spirit and curiosity to learn new things. Even before I arrive you were talking to me on facebook trying to make my stay as pleasant as possible. You showed me around and you were also engaged me in conversation about L2 and the judge program in general. Thank you for making the member of our community so welcomed [/cets_callout_box]
Abdulrahman Alhadhrami, L2 had this to say about Albert:
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Albert, your enthusiasm about judging in the region is very admirable. Thanks for the valuable feedback you gave in the Hoarders Cup 2016. I like how you are very blunt in giving constructive and helpful feedback. [/cets_callout_box]
Deniz Aksoy
Deniz received 2 nominations in Wave 6, let’s have a look at all of them.
Yakup Çakmak, L2 had this to say about Deniz:
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As a local judge, for the Anatolian Side of istanbul, you helped a recently opened store to develop quickly, player base there put you a lot of pressure in a short time, but you handled, whether with your knowledge or consulting L2’s that are in your reach. That community learned from you not just magic but the virtues of a judge and a player. you devoted your time to be a guide for the community, even if it means that you won’t be able to play with your recently collected deck since the needs of community are more urgent. even if it never happened you mentioned that if you are needed you are at ready to travel in any other event that takes place far from your home. I admire your determination and teaching skills. In Turkey L1 generally should carry more than what is needed to be a L1, and you took this burden seriously. Thanks for building a community. [/cets_callout_box]
Balkan Cilingir, L2 had this to say about Deniz:
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Thank you for always being available in the new store where many new players have started learning Magic from you. Sometimes you don’t even join a regular event to better watch over these players and help them understand the game and answer their questions as they come up. [/cets_callout_box]
Mario Ampov
Mario received 2 nominations in Wave 6, let’s have a look at them.
Giorgos Trichopoulos, L3 had this to say about Mario:
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Hi Mario, you were the silent power of our conference. You stayed late in Friday in Skopje to pick up and driving some of the foreign judges attending the conference. Even before that you helped Vladimir with preparing the conference rooms and you also were helping him during the conference with organizing the tournaments for the judges drafts. When Vladimir called you didn’t hesitate. Thank you for you dedication and your contributions. [/cets_callout_box]
Ivan Petkovic, L3 had this to say about Mario:
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You made me feel so welcomed at last regional conference. You introduced me to your culture, as well as took care of my (mostly logistical) problems. Thank you for all of that. thank you for discussion we had and your thoughts. [/cets_callout_box]
Jakov Cavka
Jakov received 1 nominations in Wave 6, let’s have a look at it.
Iva Kleiner, 2 had this to say about Jakov:
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Jakov, great job on stepping up and almost single-handedly running the comp REL tournament in Bjelovar. After the first few rounds, I could nearly put up my legs and relax, knowing it was in good hands. This HJ is really proud of you, keep it up! [/cets_callout_box]
Boris Vukovic
Boris received 1 nominations in Wave 6, let’s have a look at it.
Milorad Pavlovic, L2 had this to say about Boris:
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Borčice! Although you were not a judge on PPTQ in Gaming Centar, you selflessly jumped in to help with slips, or cleaning the area, or putting the chairs. You probably thought that I won’t see that, but I did, and that is kind of behavior that I like to encourage not only with you, but with all judges who find themselves on a tournament that they do not judge. That was the true exemplar of both collegiality and friendship, and I appreciate it! See you around!
Congratulation to all L1s who received exemplar nominations in wave 6, keep the good work and get those nominations!!!