In wave 8 we continue featuring some highlights of the Exemplar nominations received by judges in our region.
Stay tuned to this blog or to the Europe-East Magic Judges Facebook group to read more features, today we present…
Mihai Bîrsan
Mihai is a L2 from Iași, Romania. He started playing in 2008, just in time for the Morningtide prerelease. Together with his friends, they started the Iași community that same year, and held their first prerelease there, Shards of Alara. Mihai joined the judge program very late, and currently has 3 GPs under his belt. His aspiration is to help the L2 program by getting involved in more GPs and helping solve complex problems using technology.
Mihai received 5 nominations in Wave 8, let’s have a look at them.
Khanh Le Thien had this to say about Mihai:
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Hi Mihai! I want to send you a big thumbs up for your self review seminar in Firenze. It was very direct, very clearly articulated and the practical training afterwards is a very refreshing take on such seminars. To be honest I believe it was the best I’ve seen on that topic and I hope it will help Judges take control of their own “Judge career” Also props for doing it in a hurry after a presenter had to cancel and we had an open slot Cheers![/cets_callout_box]
Davide Succi had this to say about Mihai:
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Because one of the seminarist of the International L2 Conference in Italy was no more able to run the seminar, you volunteer to run a seminar about self rewing. Even if you had a short time to prepare yourself your seminar was one of the best of the conference. Good job!
Cristiana Dionisio had this to say about Mihai:
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Hi Mihai, RIccardo Tessitori wants you to know that at the Florence L2 conference, your presentation was clear, involving and effective. In addition to the knowledge of the topic, you also showed us how a good seminar is presented: slides, tone of voice, a good amount of involvement of the audience. Very well done! Thank you from us both!
Matteo Callegari had this to say about Mihai:
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Mihai, running a seminar requires several different skills: from preparation work to design, from public speaking to empathy with the spectators. Your presentation during the International Conference in Firenze was very great involving several of these skills. Yes, the slides were well designed, your preparation on the topic was evident but what impressed me the most was you ability of keeping the spectators engaged both with empathy and with a superb public speaking skills. You provided a great example of how to push interesting and sometimes difficult topics in our mind especially as the last seminar of a long day. Thanks a lot!
Daniel Kitachewsky had this to say about Mihai:
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Mihai, the seminar on self-reviews you presented was very cool! Not only in itself as the topic is interesting, but mainly because you had us do mini-workshops in groups of three, where we would first make a draft self-review about one thing and then share and compare. This instant “do it now” aspect was exactly what I needed and let me discuss aspects of project management which I hadn’t considered before. Thank you!
Congratulations on your great seminar performance in Firenze which wasn’t unnoticed by other judges and brought to you impressive 5 exemplar nominations in this wave. We hope to have you as presenter on our next summer conference in Varna, Bulgaria.