Exemplar Wave 10 Features – Andrej Rutar

StXPOKay tuned to this blog or to the Europe-East Magic Judges Facebook group to read more features, today we present…




Andrej Rutar L1, Slovenia

Andrej Rutar L1, Slovenia

Andrej started judging about 5 years ago. He mostly judges Regular tournaments, sometimes 2-3 of them in a week. His passion is to make mtg rules easy to understand, not punishing new players for making innocent errors, but punishing cheaters in the correct way. He  likes that during FNM-level events you can educate people about the rules without too high of a penalty. He also believes that educating people at a lower level of competitive play goes a long way toward having smooth higher level events.

Andrej received 3 nominations in Wave 10, let’s have a look at them.

 Stjepan Sučić had this to say about Andrej:

[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=”] Dragi Andrej, hvala ti za vrlo vrijedne savjete koji su mi pomogli oko odluka vezanih za moju sudačku karijeru. Tvoja aktivnost na socijalnim mrežama na kojima daješ vrlo vrijedan sudački insight i dijeliš rules i IPG knowledge baca vrlo pozitivno svijetlo na čitavu sudačku zajednicu jer su tvoji komentari i ideje vrlo profesionalni, dobro razrađeni i sjajna pomoć čak i iskusnim, a osobito sasvim novim sudcima i sudačkim kandidatima. Samo tako nastavi!

and for those who don’t understand here is  the translation 

Dear Andrej, thank you for all the valuable advice that has helped me with the decision-making process in my career as a Magic judge. Your activity on social networks, where you give out valuable insight regarding judging decisions and share rules and IPG knowledge, presents the entire judge community in a very positive light. Your comments and ideas are extremely professional, well thought out and of great help to both the experienced, and completely new judges and judge candidates. Keep up the good work![/cets_callout_box] Mitja Bosnic  had this to say about Andrej:

[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=”] Andrej, I have been observing your interaction with players (specifically newer ones) at several FNMs now. I’m sure it can be quite intimidating for them when they come in, but you are always friendly and make them feel like part of the group, regardless of their age, gender, experience level etc. I know you don’t get paid to work any of these events, even though you’ve been there there every Friday for the last few years, so your dedication is remarkable in and of itself. I hope the Slovene Magic community gets to keep benefitting from your experience and positive energy long into the future! [/cets_callout_box]  Giorgos Trichopoulos  had this to say about Andrej:

[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=”] Andrej we encountered a tricky DQ scenario in the Europe-East group, where you provided an excellent contribution. Here it is for reference: “As a person who is also a player I am always disappointed in this sort of scenarios. Judges like to DQ way too often or being rigid about the rules. What they should really do is like a GP or big events: make sure that people understand what is wrong or right, regarding prizes and tell player if they are unsure of something, ask them to clarify. Than this thing shouldn’t happen and if it did, than DQ would be justified. This exactly the customer service that judges need to provide to players, be proactive rather than reactive. Thank you. [/cets_callout_box]

Congratulations Andrej, and thanks for your great work!