In wave 11 we continue featuring some highlights of the Exemplar nominations received by judges in our region.
Stay tuned to this blog or to the Europe-East Magic Judges Facebook group to read more features, today we present…
David Guteša
David is a L2 from Novi Sad. He is the most famous judge form Serbia and perhaps the most active person in the region who travels most for Magic events. In the past years, he has been to GPs on 5 continents!
David received 3 nominations in Wave 11, let’s have a look at them.
Milos Perovic had this to say about David:
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David, You have recently helped me with mini-project for new judges. Your experience and insight on most commonly asked questions by players as well as most easily looked over mistakes by new judges really helped me shape up nice article for our new and upcoming judges. I would like to thank you with this recognition for you assistance. Have a good one!
David de la Iglesia had this to say about David:
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Thank you David for your efforts in contributing to the organization of the Europe-East region’s structures. In particular you keep proposing improvements on how to run our conferences, and have started developing together with Giorgos new ideas on how to better engage with judges all across the region with the use of feedback forms. Besides, your report on the state of MTG in your country was short of spectacular. Very detailed feedback like yours is always very welcome, and I am happy to see you caring more and more for the program and for MTG in general.
Anna Cotti had this to say about David:
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During GP Metz we worked together in decklist team, as you know, at one point was so difficult to manage sis lists, finding a way to correct wrong numbers and finding the missing one. Whan you started helping me, for me was like ” see the light” , you finded a way to solve those problems in a fast and perfect way! I think you did an amazing job! well done! Anna
Congratulations David for your great work!