Exemplar Wave 13 Features – Zohar Finkel

XPOKIn wave 13 we continue featuring some highlights of the Exemplar nominations received by judges in our region.

Stay tuned to this blog or to the Europe-East Magic Judges Facebook group to read more features, today we present…

Zohar Finkel

Zohar Finkel L2, Israel

Zohar Finkel L2, Israel

He became L1 in 2006, L2 in 2009, and acted as the Area Captain of Israel until a regional rotation in 2016.
For a long time he was the sole L2 and highest level judge in Israel, head judging Nationals, pptqs, and wmcqs.
Being a judge provides him with an excuse to fly and see the world, which he would probably never do otherwise.
So far his main project on the program as a whole is the global organization chart. Zohar has also organized 3 local judge conferences in Israel. In real life he has both a B.A. and an M.A. in Mass Communication, as well as a B.A. in Cinema and an M.A. in Conflict Resolution. Apart from those, he is a certified massage therapist, and an amateur chocolatier.
Besides Magic: the Gathering, games take up a big part of his life, especially board games, Pokemon Go and League of Legends.

read more about him on Judge of the week blog

Zohar received 3 nominations in Wave 13, let’s have a look at them.

Stefan Ladstätter had this to say about Zohar:
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Dear Zohar, the following recognition is in the name of Loïc Hervier, and I wholeheartedly agree! Dear fellow judge, please allow me to praise the unprecedented awesome huge work you performed in order to collect a lot of datas, analyze and present them in a meaningful form, namely your article “Lapsing and the Judge Program”. I cannot even fathom the enormous workload it must have required. Moreover your tireless efforts brought into light a potentially major issue within the Judge Program, and raised worldwide awareness about it. Your dedication is exemplary! 


Giorgos Trichopoulos   had this to say about Zohar:

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Hi Zohar, thank you for writing such a deep article on judge lapsion. You put a great deal of effort and time in finding all the relative data, either bugging me or the PCs. What is more, whenever the data were not there you managed to find alternative solutions to get the job done. The end result was an article that sparked multiple conversations both among PCs, and among other high level judges. It is not common to see an article to have such an impact and your articles have this capability. We are very fortunate to have in Europe east such a data cruncher!


Anniek Van der Peijl  had this to say about Zohar:

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Hey Zohar, this recognition is for the article you published about judge acquisition and retention. It is clearly something that took a lot of research effort and number crunching. I think we spend a lot of time speculating about why things go the way they go, and actually doing in depth research into it is not done often enough. Thank you.



Congratulations Zohar for your great work!