Exemplar Wave 14 Features – Christian Gawrilowicz

XPOKIn wave 14 we continue featuring some highlights of the Exemplar nominations received by judges in our region.

Stay tuned to this blog or to the Europe-East Magic Judges Facebook group to read more features, today we present…

Christian Gawrilowicz

 Christian Gawrilowicz L3, Turkey

Christian Gawrilowicz L3, Turkey

Christian lives in airplanes and airports and is constantly on the move between various locations in Europe and Asia. Recently his company assigned him to a new project which has its homebase in Vienna, but fortunately it’s about implementing software in the CEE region, so his travel will bring him back to various countries in the region. When he’s not travelling he tries to mentor judges all over the world and is involved in a couple of (judge) projects that mostly have to do with helping other judges to become better.

Christian received 4 nominations in Wave 14, let’s have a look at them.

Yuki Takekawa had this to say about Christian:
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At GP Chiba 2018, you taught me how to use “Purple Fox” carefully. Sometimes the system itself is very good, but thanks to your careful explanation, I was able to explain to other judges during the day. Thank you very much.


Walter Zara had this to say about Christian:

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You helped me a lot in the preparation of the GP bruselles, giving me advice about managing deckchecks and providing tools to interact with your team (decklist) Thanks to this my work has been much easier and my stress level considerably lower than I expected. Grazie!


Matteo Callegari  had this to say about Christian:

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Christian, your dedication to the Decklist team at GP Barcelona was nothing short of amazing! Organizing and managing constructed decklists at GPs is a task that requires planning and precision in the execution. We have so many multiple sources of decklists that mistake can easily propagate unless you properly track them and their sources. In Barcelona I was so impressed by how you worked on collating all possible sources of decklists (online, player meeting, friday customer service, saturday main stage) into an organic and single file that was used all weekend long. And during the weekend you shared me multiple ideas on how we could improve the process. Danke schon!


Daniel Sole Garcia  had this to say about Christian:

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During last GP Barcelona, I had to take care of the decklists team notified on Friday just before de event. Decklists team is one of the most complicated teams, since now decklists are handled by three different ways. So, in order to make sure that we have all the decklists, a non trivial method should be used. From the very beginning, you offered me your help and worked with me in achieving my goal. In addition, there was a quite complicated computer operation, and you step into in order it perform it. Thanks to it, our job was much easier, and we couldn’t get all decklists on time. Thanks to your support and help, I could understand the method we now use to know that we have all decklists. And finally, you explained to me a new app we have to have track of the deck checks we make during a GP. That app still has to improve some things, but I thinks it would be very useful in the future. Thanks for everything!!! 


Christian, we thank you for showing us how it is done!