Exemplar Wave 16 Features – Alexander Papageorgiou

XPOKIn wave 16 we continue featuring some highlights of the Exemplar nominations received by judges in our region.

Stay tuned to this blog or to the Europe-East Magic Judges Facebook group to read more features, today we present…


Alexander Papageorgiou

Alexander Papageorgiou L2, Greece 

Alexander Papageorgiou L2, Greece 

Alex is an L2 from Thessaloniki, Greece. Certified by a certain judge octopus back in 2013, then making L2 in 2014, he claims he still feels like a teenager next to the “older” judges in the region. Notorious for never staying in a single location for more than a year, Alex has lived (and claimed tags from) Europe-East, Europe-Central, BeNeLux (though no tag) and soon German-speaking countries! IRL, Alex writes (mainly Java backend) code for organizations such as CERN and ESA. In his hobby time, he writes M:TG related code to sell to the highest bidder, and in his free time is the co-owner of a magic store. Legend has it he works a minimum of 3 jobs since 2015!

Alex received 2 nominations in Wave 16, let’s have a look at them.

Vasilis Papoutsakis  had this to say about Alex:

[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=”] Hey Alex, it’s easy for someone to tell about your involvement in the judge program just by looking at your profile. You are the Greek CC, you’re involved in organizing conferences, presenting etc… Not a small deal of course, but during this period I’ve been noticing small things you are just doing as well that are really helpful. During the nationals, you were a positive note, helping our mood in a tough weekend, always having energy and doing something extra like offering other floor judges some water, or giving me some feedback and comments/tips for improvement. During your conference presentations, you always have some jokes/puns included. Or latest, now that we are both moving from our region to a new one, you’ve made the transition a little bit smoother by talking to everyone and provided me some information. You are using your energy & social skills in a very helpful way and this shouldn’t go unnoticed. [/cets_callout_box]

Zohar Finkel  had this to say about Alex:

[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=”] Hey Alex. This is a recognition for your article on our regional blog about “judge resources”. Well, more like a recognition for your “act of writing”, and less about that specific article itself… You see, this isn’t the first article you’ve written, and I like it how while many other articles are usually just a rehash of older content that already exist somewhere, you continue to find fresh new topics to write about, and help the judge community in ways most never thought about. [/cets_callout_box]

Alex, keep up the good work !!