Exemplar Wave 12 Features – Theodoros Millidonis

XPOKIn wave 12 we continue featuring some highlights of the Exemplar nominations received by judges in our region.

Stay tuned to this blog or to the Europe-East Magic Judges Facebook group to read more features, today we present…

Theodoros Millidonis

Theodoros Millidonis L2, Cyprus

Theodoros Millidonis L2, Cyprus

Theo is a L2 born and raised in Bulgaria, and now living in Cyprus. He is the project lead of the Presenters Training Team within the Conference Sphere where he writes articles and delivers presentations on how judges can improve their public speaking skills. He is also a columnist for Magic Judge Monthly, being responsible for the Policy, and Tournament Operations sections. Theo is a driving force behind the MTG community in Cyprus, where he head judges PPTQ’s and Nationals Events. His main focus currently is on raising his baby girl, and hopefully jumping back on the Judge Conferences bandwagon very very soon!

Theodoros received 2 nominations in Wave 12, let’s have a look at them.

Rami Abdo had this to say about Theo:
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Your writing and presentation skills once again melded together to form a masterpiece in article form, Storytelling 3: The Journey. You managed to merge together your previous storylines into a beautiful culmination of their journey, just as your piece entails. Your breakdown on what is required to incite change in our judges, real core-level change, is on point and unforgettable.


 Stephan Classen  had this to say about Theo:

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Theo, thank you for your continued hard work on Magic Judge Monthly! I appreciated your initiative to figure out what to do in your section when it was blank in the document as we do our leadership change. Your effort to find out what could be done is really appreciated, and I’m glad we have you on the team!



Congratulations Theo, and thanks for your great work!