Exemplar Wave 13 Features – Martina Eva Tonković

XPOKIn wave 13 we continue featuring some highlights of the Exemplar nominations received by judges in our region.

Stay tuned to this blog or to the Europe-East Magic Judges Facebook group to read more features, today we present…

Martina Eva Tonković

Martina Eva Tonković L2, Croatia

Martina Eva Tonković L2, Croatia

Since becoming a level 2 in November, Martina has had every weekend booked – conferences, GPs and both local and international PPTQs. She recently became a part of the Coaching Sphere and is taking on more and more roles in the judge community. She will soon celebrate her 10th GP of this year!

Matina received 4 nominations in Wave 13, let’s have a look at them.

Klaus Lassacher had this to say about Martina:
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Zdravo Martina! Thank you for your help on short notice in Prague for the Level 2+ conference in covering one of the presenter rooms and therefore being kind of bound to one room. You helped us with that to ensure a smooth and great event for everybody. Thank you for that! 


 Christian Marx had this to say about Martina:

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Martina, our discussion about mentoring future L1s meant a lot. We both improved our collection of useful materials and improved approach. Also thanks for taking Austrian PPTQs on such a short notice, traveling 2 countries over shows commitment. Thank you!


Ivan Petkovic  had this to say about Martina:

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Although we first met in Prague, it stroke me how open and approachable you are. What impressed me was how much you wanted feedback and how strong your growth mentality is. After discussing my observations during the conference you accepted them and I was able to see change as well as encouragement from the information received. Not so many are open to feedback and especially the one about areas to grow. I find this exemplary.


Anna Cotti had this to say about Martina:

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During Gp Lyon we worked together at ODE, i have been impressed by you. You acted in a really proactive way , you took care of cleaning tables, monitoring all timing of tournaments and you cooperate in creating a good team building, it was an easy job for me mostly because of your amazing job. I really hope to work with you again, thank you! Anna


Congratulation Martina on your work and great GP performances!