Exemplar Wave 15 Features – Elli Eirini Osmantzikidou

XP ThumbnailIn wave 15, we will continue to feature some highlights of the Exemplar nominations received by judges in our region.

Stay tuned to this blog or to the Europe-East Magic Judges Facebook group to read more features, today we present…

Elli Eirini Osmantzikidou

Elli Eirini Osmantzikidou, L2, Greece 

Elli Eirini Osmantzikidou, L2, Greece 

Elli is an L2 from Thessaloniki, Greece. She is one of the newest L2s, but with her hard work and involvement in the Greek judge scene she has become one of the pillars in the community. Elli has the heavy cloak of being the only female judge in Greece (and one of the very few female players). Her hobby is getting excited every time she sees a Scapeshift variant on the floor.

Elli received 4 nominations in Wave 15, let’s have a look at them.

Klaus Lassacher, L2 had this to say about Elli:

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γεια σας Elli! I want to recognize you for the work you put into the Europe East conference, the last one in Thessaloniki aswell as others before. It is always hard to organize and manage a big group of judges and still give them a great weekend full of new things to learn and fun. Thank you for that contribution!


Ivan Stefanov, L2 had this to say about Elli:

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Elli, You did an outstanding job for the last regional conference! Great choice of hotel, great choices of places to eat and much care for the needs of the attendees were obvious and I was amazed to find out that you did quite a lot of the work yourself. When I spoke with you it showed that you were very passionate a out delivering a great experience without asking for any credit, yet you deserve a lot of it!


Alexander Papageorgiou, L2 had this to say about Elli:

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Elli, I’ve run a fair amount of conferences and I can say that the ones with you as part of the ground team are always the most uneventful. You did an excellent job in locating and securing locations, activities and making sure our first regional conference in nearly a year was a roaring success! That’s not all though – even when you are taking a break from judging, you continue to be an excellent source of valuable feedback, ideas and suggestions on how to best improve our national community. Thanks for everything!


Yuval Tzur, L2 had this to say about Elli:

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Organizing a regional conference isn’t easy, and even more so when the conference takes place in another country, in a city I’ve never been to before. Your enthusiasm and willingness to go above and beyond for this conference to succeed is much appreciated. Be it the travel guide you wrote or the evening schedule you worked on, your help is what made this conference possible. You acted as my eyes and ears on the ground, and I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you Elli for doing such a great job!


Congratulations and keep up the good work !!