Exemplar Features – David Guteša

Hello everyone!


As we continue with highlights of the Exemplar nominations received by judges in our region, today we give you a post with nominations from both Wave 4 and Wave 5.

Stay tuned to this blog or to the Europe-East Magic Judges Facebook group to read more features, today we present…

David Guteša

David Guteša
L2, Serbia

David Guteša
L2, Serbia

David is a L2 from Novi Sad. He is the Country Coordinator for Serbia and perhaps the one person in the region who travels most for Magic events. In the last year, he has been to GPs on 5 continents!

David received a total of 9 nominations in Waves 4 and 5, let’s have a look at them.

Vladimir Trajcevski had this to say about David:
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“Hi David. Thx for informing me about GP Brussels that they need extra judges after i was declined. With your unselfish info I applied and got accepted. You are always here to help me and inform me about GP’s as more experience judge.”[/cets_callout_box]

Ivan Petkovic had this to say about David:
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“Your conferences should be the norm. I never felt so welcomed and had so much fun while learning new concepts and ideas. Thank you so much!”[/cets_callout_box]

Riccardo Mangano had this to say about David:
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“Thank you for your help with booking my plane ticket for GP Washington. As this was my first time booking an intercontinental flight, I was a bit overwhelmed by the process and talking to you helped me both to find the best option and to stay level-headed while doing so. Even before I talked to you, knowing from your reputation that I could ask you for help was a relevant factor that helped me decide to take the leap and apply for a GP across the pond.”[/cets_callout_box]

Jernej Lipovec had this to say about David:
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“David has been travelling a lot lately to exotic parts of the world making good impression everywhere he goes, since all I hear are good things.. With his awesomeness he promotes our region very well so the rest of us have an easier job since people know judges from Balkans aren’t so bad after all.”[/cets_callout_box]

Milorad Pavlovic had this to say about David:
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“David, since we work together for a long time, this is going to be short. Thank you for a constant feedback on my applications and work. Sometimes I have a headache from it :), but I appreciate it and giving them the recognition.
You deserve it bro :)”

Mitsunori Makino had this to say about David:
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“At GP Nagoya you voluntierly stay after your shift finished to help me backuping result. Further problem is not welcome so the pictures should not be used and fortunately they were not. I know we still did valuable procedure. But without you, it was more boring sequence. Thank you.”[/cets_callout_box]

Giorgos Trichopoulos had this to say about David:
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“During GP Brussels you brought a lot of value to the team. Your experience has exposed you to several strange and challenging ruling that you happily shared with us. This way you kept us entertained and we learned a lot. Remember that your travels gives you an edge over other judges. The more you are using them, the better you will position yourself for the next GP 🙂

I always envision things as a collaboration. The world “”leader”” in team leader means more a manager to me that should empower people to speak up and challenge our procedures. Our team was responsible for breaks and I delegated the task to another member of our team. You challenged the outcome and you had such a good reasoning that we changed it! You are becoming an asset to each team, with team leaders putting more and more faith, and therefore responsibilities to you.

Now on to L3 :)”[/cets_callout_box]

Yoshitoki Sakai had this to say about David:
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Thanks for having discussion in Beijing.
You always gave us the diсcussable topic and tell us your logic.
I am very comfortable in discussing with you such a that topics.
Thank you very much. See you soon at somewhere in the world!”

Ivan Petkovic had this to say about David:
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“Even though I have left Eastern Europe region, I am still feeling welcomed and at home. And you are one of the greatest contributors to that feeling. Thank you for always going an extra mile when you are organizing your conferences and making sure I always have a reason for coming back. I am looking forward participating in your next experiment, subregional conference.”[/cets_callout_box]

Congratulations David, this really shows your dedication!