We've recently switched over to hosting reviews on JudgeApps. What are your thoughts on this? How is this good or bad for the Judge Program?
We've recently switched over to hosting reviews on JudgeApps. What are your thoughts on this? How is this good or bad for the Judge Program?
Hello and welcome to this month’s edition of the Feedbag! Last time, we covered how to handle feedback from players. Our topic for this month comes from a new addition to our editing staff, Erin Leonard: “How do you give a judge feedback on a sensitive topic?” The sensitive topics in question here are things […]
In the middle of a call, you don’t always have the time to break things down in detail. But after the match is a great time to do so. Talk with players about your rulings to get their perspective.
Hello and welcome to this month’s edition of the Feedbag! Last month, we covered how to sell your local TOs on the value of feedback. This month’s question comes to us from of Portugal: When you perform exceptionally in an event or during your everyday judge activities, you may get an exemplar. The reviews meant […]
Hello and welcome to this month’s edition of the Feedbag! Last time, we covered providing feedback to a judge while playing in their event. This month’s prompt comes straight to us from the comments section of last month’s article, courtesy of : I am of the opinion that feedback should also be solicited from the […]
Hello and welcome to this month’s edition of the Feedbag! Last time, we covered how to best approach providing feedback to your staff members. This month, we’ll be flipping things! (No, not !) I recently head judged an event where a couple of players who happened to be judges took the time to speak with […]
Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Feedbag! Last month, we discussed how to encourage judges on your team to review each other. This time, we’ll look at managing teams from another angle, with our question coming courtesy of : I recently was Head Judge of a large event that had teams of […]
Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Feedbag! Last time, we covered the subject of review drafts. This month, our question is about how to help enable feedback when you’re in a leadership role: I’m team leading at an upcoming event, and I’d like to encourage my team to review each other. Do […]
Hello and welcome to the sixth edition of the Feedbag! Last time, we covered the best approach for writing a tournament report about a tournament that had some tournament organizer trouble. This month, our topic will be drafts! No, not the kind that incinerate all your tickets on Magic Online! The kind that you write […]
Hello and welcome to the fifth installment of the Feedbag! Last time, we covered how to have a conversation with someone who has provided feedback you disagree with. Our question for this month comes to us from “PO’d by TO”: I’d like to write a tournament report, but my experience with the TO was […]