The Area Captain Role Explained

L2 Warren, Mi
Alex Smith
L2 Warren, Mi

Communicating the purpose of regional leadership systems serves an immediate regional goal of developing communication channels. To that end, here is a primer on what Area Captains mean to the Great Lakes Region.

Why have Area Captains?

Any large group of people coordinated under a single non-delegating leader will face challenges of leadership accessibility. Area Captain provide this accessibility to regional leadership by using both direct methods and Triangle of Communication structures to foster connection of the region’s judges to one another and the Regional Coordinator. Area Captains exist as a conduit for regional communication both upstream and downstream.

What is an Area Captain?

Area Captain is a leadership role within the region. Area Captains connect judge candidates with mentors, connect stores with judges, and know their territory’s capabilities both in terms of judges and LGSs. Regional Coordinators making use of an Area Captains system view them as local experts capable of fielding tasks such as providing appropriate staffing options to stores in need of assistance, observing the behavior of area organized play, and providing assessment of  judges in their area. To that end, the Regional Coordinator regularly meets with the Area Captains.  

What don’t Area Captains do?

Area Captains don’t have to solve all problems themselves.
Area Captains don’t arbitrate disputes between stores, judges, players, or Wizards of the Coast.
Area Captains don’t force judges to judge events, only provide opportunities

Which Area am I in?

We drew maps! The borders marked on these maps are fuzzy on purpose, so it’s normal not totally knowing whose area you judge within. In fact, as no one is “in charge” of you, connect with any Area Captain that feels right to do so.  Our goal with this system is to enable communication, not stifle it

All the areas on the map developed from existing urban areas.  Those areas are the core places dense with stores and typically judges.  The areas do not have firm borders and some are vague.  If you need help, get in touch with whomever you feel most comfortable with.  If it is the Regional Coordinator, or an Area Captain, or a nearby L1 or L2, that is totally fine. Communication is the whole goal.

To see who your Area Captain is click here!

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