Judge Images

Judge Hover Images

It is now easy to add judge hovers, like this, in your pages and posts.

To do so, you can either manually type the following text:

[judge dci=7274599713]Justin Turner[/judge]

or, if you’re in the HTML view, you’ll see a button for ‘Judge Hover’. Type the judge’s name, highlight it, and click “Judge Hover”. Then you’ll just need to fill in the DCI number that they have listed on JudgeApps, and ta-da!

This also creates a link to the judge’s JudgeApps profile page.

(Special thanks to Steffen Baumgart for helping with some of the CSS on this.)

Judge Images with captions

RC in the North!

RC in the North!

In addition to the hover feature you can also simply output the image of a judge with a fancy caption. The image links to the profile of the judge in JudgeApps.

The code for this would look like this:

[judgeimg align=left dci=11134222]RC in the North![/judgeimg]

Note that you can use different alignments: none, left, center or right If you are not sure how these alignments behave, you can read it up in the article about Magic Card Images.

Of course this also comes with the according button in the html-view of the editor. It is called ‘Judge Image’.