Hi everyone, I am , the judge in charge of the Judge Booth Project. Today, shares his experience at the GP Strasbourg Judge Booth. (Statement from 23rd February) Jean-François : Hi, could you present yourself to our readers ? Thibault : Hello everyone, I’m Thibault, Judge L1 since one year approximately and living in the […]
Report from GP Lille 2018
Hi everyone ! I am , the judge in charge of the Judge Booth Project. Today, and share their experience at GP Lille which hosted a Judge Booth : In GP Lille, we organised a community stand for players and judges. I asked to judges not staffed who were interested to help, and I received […]
Report from GP Metz 2017
Grand Prix Metz last month, hosted by Channel Fireball, had another Judge Booth at the event and Jean-Francois and Gediminas
were kind enough to share their experiences with us!
Report from GP Vegas 2017
If you've been to GP Vegas last month you might have seen a small crowd gathering around a few tables where two judges, Raphaël Delbarre and Gabriel Sousa (supported by Sophie Pages), spent their days running a Judge Booth for anyone interested. After the successful event they were kind enough to share their experience with us!
Report from GP Vancouver 2017
L1 Brenden Gansner from Campbell River, Canada shares his experience running a Judge Booth at GP Vancouver 2017
The New Judge Booth

Improving your event with Magic Rules Trivia The Judge booth is a project that tries to approach players who have only a vague idea of what a judge does and how tricky Magic rules can be by presenting them with increasingly more difficult scenarios and specific questions, to which they can then give an answer. […]
Judge Booth at a PTQ in Prague
Hello everyone! I am an L1 judge from the Czech Republic. In this blog post, I would like to share with you my recent experience with running a Judge Booth. I hope that it may inspire you to run one on your own. I have always been intrigued by the rules part of judging and […]
Journey into Nyx Update and launch of the Online Judge Booth
Hey there, the judge booth has made some progress in the last months, and you definitely want to read about it. First we have the new questions from Journey into Nyx ready to use. Thanks to the following judges, who have submitted one or more question to the booth: , , , , and Then […]
Judge Booth Report from Munich
After seeing the announcement that every Judge could run a Judge Booth at basically any event I quickly decided to run a Judge Booth at my local Prerelaese for Born of the Gods. I pitched the idea to our new L1 Sebastian Stückl who immediately agreed to help me. After checking that this was ok […]
Judge Booth at a Prerelease in Tel Aviv
This time around we have another report from a Judge Booth at a Born of the Gods Prerelease in Tel Aviv, Israel. organized the booth and shares his experiences: Hello fellow judges For this event 20 questions related to Theros were selected from the sheet, printed, and numbered from 1 to 20. Every player registering for […]