The following report from GP Utrecht is written by . Enjoy! Grand Prix Utrecht featured a Judge Booth, and , and I ran it together. It was really successful, having players nonstop from 10:30 to 18:00. In the rare cases when no one was at the booth, asking to a player passing by if he wanted […]
Tag: Magic Judges
Gatecrash Update and more
Hello fellow Judges, The new sheets for the Judge booth are ready to use. So if you would like to run a booth, just contact your Regional Coordinator or me. Thanks to the following judges for submitting questions for the booth. Darcy Alemany Jack Doyle Jason Flatford Josh Stansfield Mike White Nate Lawrence Paul Baranay […]
Judge Booth @ GP Bochum
Anniek van der Peijl war part of the judge booth at GP Bochum. Here is her reasoning why she enjoys the judge booth. If you like to share your experiance with the Judge Booth as well as Anniek, feel free to send me an email. Anniek wrotes: “Challenging players (and judges too!) with difficult rules […]
Welcome to the Judge Booth Blog. Many of you have heard of or even participated in a judge booth at a GP or other tournament worldwide. If not, let me introduce the concept of the judge booth. It’s a place where players can meet us, the Magic Judges. Our goals are public relations: showing that […]