Level 1 & Level 2

Alfonso Bueno

Alfonso Bueno

Alfonso Bueno is the leader of the Level 1 & Level 2 Sphere, he’s in charge of coordinating the efforts of the different project leaders and ensuring cohesion between both levels, their certifications, testing procedures and maintenance requirements.

During 2016 the Judge Program went through a deep change, Levels 4 and 5 ceased to exist and all levels in the program’s structure were affected in different degrees. This Sphere’s team is taking care of making the appropriate changes, updates, and certifications to make the judge levels fit their definitions.

However the Judge Program is permanently evolving, Organized Play changes, the community grows, and we keep aiming for improvement. This makes necessary a permanent group of judges contributing within this sphere.


[cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Levels 1 and 2 Philosophy, Definition and Implementation’]The goal of this project is creating harmonized philosophy for Levels 1 and 2, as well as rules for the testing and maintenance of such levels. This group is also responsible for making sure all different aspects of the Judge Program are coherent with those levels.
Project lead | Alfonso Bueno
Contact point with Regional Coordinators | Sebastian Pękala
Contact point with the Level 3 Testing Sphere | Daniel Kitachewsky
Team members | Bryan Prillaman, Dustin De Leeuw, Edwin Zhang, Fabian Peck, Julio Sosa, Sean Catanese, Steven Briggs, Yoshitoki Sakai[/cets_callout_box][cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Sphere Outreach’]The goal of this project is creating and maintaining an open communication channel between the Sphere decision makers and the affected Level 1 and 2 judges. We run a survey asking Level 2s for the questions and suggestions they had. You can find the answers to the survey questions here, and we’re still working on the suggestions we received. If you have questions regarding Level 2 itself or its process, or have any suggestions in mind, feel free to contact Julio Sosa and/or Alfonso Bueno.
Project lead | Julio Sosa
Team members | Alfonso Bueno[/cets_callout_box][cets_callout_box style=’gray’ align=’full’ title=’Team Leader Certification’]This project created the Level 2 Team Leader Certification, with important feedback from the Grand Prix Head Judges group. The current goal of this group is making the necessary changes to keep this certification up to date, make sure the judges with the Team Leader Certification got the corresponding badge in JudgeApps, and that they meet the maintenance requirements.
Project lead | Dustin De Leeuw
Team members | Alfonso Bueno, Carlos Rada, Daniel Kitachewsky, Hans Wang[/cets_callout_box]