Gender bias in the L3 advancement process

I would like to introduce a great analysis by Nicolette Apraez & Anniek van der Peijl about the impact of gender in the L3 advancement process. The analysis is based on global data and paints a picture from a new perspective on the advancement process. Matteo Abstract We conducted a research project to investigate whether […]

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New face!

Hi all, Effective now will be answering communication you send to, in addition to who’s handling checklists-related matters. Matteo will in particular handle panel scheduling. Please welcome him! Daniel

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Failing better

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. – Samuel Beckett, Worstward Ho Hi all, Failing is hard. It’s even harder when you’re failing but don’t know until the last moment. This can happen when testing for level 3. You’ve been underprepared in an area that doesn’t reveal itself until you’ve submitted […]

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L3 checklist changes

(Note: The L3 checklist further changed. This article has only historical value.) Hi all, As has long been overdue, the level 3 checklist is modified to better fit the New World Order. First of all, here’s a summary of the changes. You can find detailed explanations for the changes below, and the new full checklist […]

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About recommendations

Hi all, I have a couple topics for you today. Checklist changes are on the way, I know you’re waiting, they’re still being worked out and won’t be that big. L3 Maintenance The New World Order said about maintaining L3 in 2016, among others: Judge at least four Premier Events (RPTQ, WMCQ, Grand Prix, Pro […]

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