Judge Projects Presentation at the Madison Judge Conference

Greetings all,

I am doing a presentation at the Madison Judge Conference this weekend, and as part of it I mention my blog, specifically to give people links to different Judge Projects.  So, a post with the info seems like a good idea.

Judge Projects

All public projects are linked on the JudgeApps Projects page.  A semi-brief sampling of some of the most visible and/or interesting projects around are:

Annotated IPG

This project does DVD commentary on the IPG.  It is doing upkeep right now – the main commentary is done, it just updates any time the IPG updates.

Battlefield Forge

This project highlights awesome tournament reports.  It is mostly about curation and editing.

JudgeApps Development

This project is the space for coordination of judges doing development and testing on JudgeApps.

Mystical Tutor

This project makes online study resources for judges.  If you like making study videos or watching them, this project is for you.

Judge Anniversaries

Celebrating and tracking certification anniversaries.

Judge Booth

Making judge booth content and running judge booths at events.

Judge Buddy Program

Were you lost at your first big event?  Judge Buddy aims to pair up experienced people and new people at big events so this happens less.

The Knowledge Pool

This project builds rules scenarios for discussion and manages those discussions.

Personal Tutor

This project builds scenarios related to how to explain situations to players without giving strategic advice and to make sure they are happy with the explanation.

Official Judge Resources

You know the great Official Resources Page?  Yeah, these guys manage that.

Customer Service

This project makes training materials to help judges give good service to players and tournament organizers.

Judges for Diversity

This project focuses on inclusiveness and diversity – training people to make tournaments a welcoming space for everyone and to handle issues related to racial, gendered, sexuality, or other kinds of harassment or abuse.

L1 Welcome Wagon

Several regions have gotten together to make a standard welcome packet and process for L1s just getting into the program.  This is the coordination group for the different regional Welcome Wagons.

Magic Judge Monthly

MJM does a monthly forum and news recap, culling info from several sources and consolidating it all in one place.

Missed Trigger Guides

This project maintains a list of triggers and which ones are generally detrimental on the judge wiki.

Rules Tip Blog

Every weekday a rules tip!  This project creates and maintains the rules tip blog.

The Extra Mile

This project is all about building bolt-on activities that engage judges and players at tournaments.

GP Travel Guides

Create a travel guide to help judges at GPs, the goal is to have one for every GP in the world.


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