Emrakul and Controlling Another Player

Welcome back! Eldritch Moon gave us a lot of scary colorless cards, the scariest of which is . Emrakul is the newest in the line of cards that let you control another player during their turn (colloquially called “” effects, after the first such card printed in Mirrodin block!). While it hasn’t been that long […]

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Mirrorwing Dragon And You!

Making spells go wide to hit multiple targets has been used a few times through the history of Red magic, and the most recent addition to that stable comes to us from Eldritch Moon: . ON the surface this seems to function the same as ; when you cast an instant or sorcery that ONLY […]

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All About Tree of Perdition

For today’s Rules Tips, we’ll be covering , the anti-backwards sibling of . Like Tree of Redemption, Perdition is a 0/13 Defender for 4 mana with a nifty ability that trades life totals for toughness. Where Redemption swapped its toughness with YOUR life total, Perdition (being black and spooky and all) swaps with an OPPONENT’S […]

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All About Spell Queller

Good morning and welcome back to the Rules Tips Blog! As of last Friday, all the cool new cards from Eldritch Moon are legal for play in Standard (and Legacy and Modern, for that matter). So, with that fresh batch of new cards, we’ve got fresh new questions, with fresh new answers! We’ll start off […]

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Quand la bibliothèque sylvestre entre dans le monde des tournois compétitifs

La est la source de nombreuses discussions d’arbitres sur “Comment on gère ça dans la vraie vie ?” Et la réglementation officielle a changé un certain nombre de fois. Les règles complètes de Magic gèrent parfaitement la carte et avec une interface qui ne prend pas en compte la dextérité humaine (comme MTGO), il n’y […]

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Bibliothèque sylvestre, Dragage et Abondance

Bonjour cher lecteurs ! L’astuce d’aujourd’hui sera simple et couvrira ce qu’il se passe quand vous combinez la et des effets qui remplacent la pioche. Par exemple, le Dragage, qui fonctionne lorsque vous devriez piocher. Cela signifie qu’avec la Bibliothèque, vous pouvez Draguer trois fois d’affilée si vous le souhaitez (en supposant que vous ayez […]

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