Welcome back to the penultimate day of Courser Week! Today we’ll look at how Courser functions with an increasingly popular blue card from Khans of Tarkir:
Dig Through Time. Dig Through Time has you look at the top 7 cards of your library, ship any 2 you want to your hand, and then the rest go to the bottom of your library in whatever order you so choose. This is very similar to the Scry example from yesterday- while you’re looking at the top 7 cards, they’re still in THAT order as far as the game cares. You’ll make your choice, put 2 cards into your hand (and the rest on the bottom), and then reveal the new top card. Your opponent won’t know if you drew your old “top card”, or shipped it to the bottom, unless you decide to tell them! It’ll work this way any time you’re “looking” at the top however many cards- their order doesn’t change, and your opponent only knows what the top card was before you started looking, and immediately after you fully finish.
Come back tomorrow for our final entry this week!
Today’s Rules Tip written by Trevor Nunez
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