Bident of Thassa + double strike = double draw.

The cycle of god weapons in Theros brings us a new combination of permanents: artifact enchantments. They have one static or triggered ability that would fit perfectly on an enchantment, but also have an activated ability that’s normally found on an artifact. The abilities are generally synergetic, with one generally helping the other out. We’re […]

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Devotion and Counterspells

By far the biggest chunk of questions I’ve gotten from my players and my threads the past week are all about the last mechanic we’re covering this week (sorry, Scry): Devotion. Devotion is more or less a reworking of Chroma, an ability word from back in Lorwyn block. Put simply, “Devotion to COLOR” is measured […]

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Heroic Triggers Resolve Before the Spell

We’re continuing with the Theros mechanic theme this week, and today we’re covering Heroic (or at least one aspect of it!). The Heroic mechanic is a lot like Batallion, Landfall, Threshold, Morbid, etc. All of these things aren’t actually keywords like Flying and Trample; they have no actual inherent rules meaning. In fact, if you […]

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