Mudanças de Política de SOI

Com tantas mudanças em Oath of the Gatewatch IP, o objectivo da actualização de Shadows over Innistrad é para refinar e clarificar essas secções, e, de certo modo, é o que temos. Com a excepção de algumas pequenas adições que chegaremos lá mais tarde, todas as actualizações são referentes a Hidden Card Error e Deck/Decklist […]

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Mudanças de Políticas para SOI

Com mudanças tão grandes no IPG em Juramento das Sentinelas, o objetivo da atualização de Sombras em Innistrad foi refinar e esclarecer estas seções e, de fato, é isso que conseguimos. Com a exceção de algumas pequenas mudanças que eu falarei sobre depois, todas as atualizações aqui são relacionadas com Erro de Card Oculto e […]

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Repost: Innistrad Double-Faced Cards FAQ

[This disappeared off the internet for various reasons. It’s all still correct (with one exception that I’ve noted below), so I figure it’s worth giving a home somewhere.] They’re here! Hopefully by now everyone is aware that Innistrad contains double-faced cards. These cards have another card where there would normally be a traditional Magic back, […]

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SOI Policy Changes

[cets_callout_box style=’yellow’ align=’right’ title=’The New Docs’]IPG | MTR [/cets_callout_box] With such large changes in the Oath of the Gatewatch IPG, the goal of the Shadows over Innistrad update was to refine and clarify those sections, and, indeed, that’s what we get. With the exception of a couple of small additions that I’ll get to later, […]

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The Hidden Corners of HCE

The new IPG has been out for a week now, and people seem really happy with the new Hidden Card Error (HCE) infraction. We’ve gotten lots of kudos on how intuitive the infraction is and how easy it’s been to explain to judges. In particular, by being philosophy-driven, it means that most situations in which […]

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Modifications du règlement avec OGW

[cets_callout_box style=’yellow’ align=’right’ title=’The New Docs’]IPG | MTR [/cets_callout_box] Commençons par un cours d’histoire. Tout le monde aime les cours d’histoire, n’est-ce pas ? Il y a longtemps, en 2006, l’IPG avait une infraction appelée Failure to Reveal. Cette infraction existait pour prendre en charge les situations où un joueur ne révélait pas une carte, […]

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OGW Policy Changes

[cets_callout_box style=’yellow’ align=’right’ title=’The New Docs’]IPG | MTR [/cets_callout_box] Let’s start with a history lesson. Everyone loves history lessons, right? Back in the mists of 2006, the IPG had an infraction named Failure to Reveal. It existed to deal with situations where a player failed to reveal a card, like with, say, (who didn’t exist […]

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Tweaking the new DEC Rules

With the Battle for Zendikar update, we made some changes to the Drawing Extra Cards infraction, and having seen it in action for a couple weeks, it’s clear that the change isn’t as clear as we’d hoped it would be, and that lack of clarity is causing confusion. More problematically, that confusion is getting in […]

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